How to understand if a man is ready for a serious relationship.
Feb 1
Let me say right away that the best way to find out if a man is ready for a serious relationship is to ask about it.
You should do this when you already consider yourself a couple and spend a lot of time together. If your relationship is six months or a year old, don't be afraid to ask questions: "You know, I'm worried about this and that. I want to understand what our relationship is about."
A man may ask why you are rushing. Here I will give you a hint. If a woman does not see certainty, her psyche will be shaken. You are designed this way: if there is no specificity, you fall into a state of stress. Therefore, ask specific questions, and, having heard the answer, draw conclusions and make decisions.
For example, a man answers: "I'm not ready for a serious relationship yet, let's wait." This is where many girls make a mistake: they start thinking about how to make him marry them.
I want to give you some advice: throw away the idea of ​​forcing a man to marry you. He says directly that his relationship with you is not serious now. This suits him.
Therefore, if he doesn't want to, don't force him. If you force a man to go to the registry office, he may go. But it won't end well, because the partner will subconsciously feel that he was forced. And sooner or later he will start to "get even".