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Female and Male Friendship: 10 Fundamental Differences

Female and Male Friendship: 10 Fundamental Differences

1. Men are friends “side by side”, their relationships arise and are maintained on the basis of common activities

2. Women are friends “face to face”, their relationships arise and are maintained on the basis of emotional closeness

3. In men’s friendships there is less spiritual and emotional closeness

4. A man can continue to consider a person a friend even after long breaks in communication

5. Women are emotionally attached to those whom they consider friends

6. Men more often remain friends after a quarrel or dispute

7. Women need to communicate more often with those whom they consider friends

8. Men more often tease friends and make fun of them

9. Women usually try not to make fun of their friends

10. Men more often communicate in large groups, while women prefer to go somewhere with just one good friend.

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