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If you are betrayed, it means you are transferred to a higher energy level.

If you are betrayed, it means you are transferred to a higher energy level.
That is, a person is released so that he can move on.

With the departure from the old life program, new opportunities open up at the same time. Every time a person experiences the extreme point of pain, the maximum grace opens up to him.

Going through physical suffering opens the astral conductor, emotional pain opens the mental conductor.

Mental disappointment opens a spiritual exit, and accordingly spiritual disappointment leads to more subtle worlds and so on endlessly.

Many people very often and for a long time get stuck in some situation or image, and only through pain and suffering can their focus of attention be shifted to a wider range of life’s objectivity.

Not to suffer? It is impossible - this condition is embedded in the DNA of man by the Creator for the ascent of the soul (or descent - which does not give a way out) and active development.

Every time they want to lift a person up, to reveal his inner essence, he loses something...

But why? This is the process of choosing between the past and the future.

Fear of losing something comfortable, habitual, familiar... because you always have to choose: Fear or Love. After all, if a person does not trust God, he begins to play games with himself.

Building strategic goals that are not aligned with the Creator's program leads to disappointment in the meaning of life. A person dreams of managing every day, every minute, and again begins to suffer when plans collapse. He is practically forced to take a canvas and paints and paint life anew.

Again fear... tension... That is why it is impossible not to experience pain, as long as there are attachments, there are conventions, but there is no trust in Destiny.

Therefore, betrayal is a test of trust in your higher self. When betrayed, you are handed over to God. And here you don’t have to choose when you are led: Fear must give way to Love and Acceptance.



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